Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A little under the weather

Not only am I sick with a cold my car has a broken muffler. Good thing I don't have anywhere to go. Seeing as I don't have a job and I am finally finished with school. I still have some paper work to fill out but nothing major. I was hoping to sell some things in my shop but so far no luck. I am working on some new paintings so we will see how those go. My husband is being super supportive so I don't want to let him down. Maybe I should start a more intensive job search.
Oh well right now I am just trying to get over my cold and get my car fixed. A girl can only do so many things at once. Hope every one is buddling up it is six below zero here and even colder if you consider the wind chill. So stay warm.

Here is a very sleepy Mr. Yum Yums who decided the shower curtain would make a nice blanket for his nap.

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